Ettalong Beach to the Rip Bridge – Wednesday 1 Jul 2020
Participants: Alice de Gruchy, Christine Wheeler, Tim Wheeler, Mike Guest, Val Walker, Mark Walker, Zach Monts, Judith Weaver, Peter Renkert, Peter Walker, Janele Purvis, Eddie Gove, Debra Ardern, Jenny Newland, Javier Jiminez, Sean Ronny, Jennifer North and Colin North.
Sorry folks. The rush of volunteers to write this weeks’ trip report was so overwhelming that I have had to sharpen my pencil and get to work.

Ettalong Beach briefing
What a fantastic Central Coast morning. Again, we achieved Perfect Paddle Weather, a clear sign that summer is on the way…….. OK, that last bit is just an opinion from an eternal optimist. Ettalong beach was treated to a small invasion of 18 paddlers to start their day.
Right on time we departed the beach heading for the sandbar. Waves kicked up by the inbound ferry gave a few paddlers a few minutes of fun as we approached the sandbar. Others found that YES, you can run aground on a sandbar.

Brisbane Water and points of interest
Soon we passed Kourung Gourung Point (More name than point; or maybe I just don’t get the point) and headed east towards Rocky Point. Fantastic views with the low morning sun angle highlighting the buildings between Ettalong and Booker Bay.

Paddling into the morning light on Brisbane Water
From here we paddled “coastal offshore” (just try paddling coastal onshore) to Fishermans Bay and out to the Rip Bridge. Tidal conditions allowed paddlers to paddle against the tide through the bridge and then drop back through the flow. We then practiced our Ferry Glide across the channel. Lots of fun was had by (nearly) all whilst some new skills were uncovered.
We now headed back to Rileys Bay, then Hardys Bay headland, into Pretty Beach bay before finally paddling past our favourite Kourung Gourung Point for the final Hoorah back to Ettalong Beach.
From comments I heard it is clear how this paddle group is improving with recognition of the currents, eddies and counter currents that abound in Brisbane Waters. For me, I find these recognitions within the group very encouraging.
Thanks to everyone who assisted in getting kayaks and gear back off the beach and up to the vehicles and trailer. It was great to have a post paddle coffee at The Box.
Thank you to all participants and Jen North for helping out. I really enjoyed your company.
Colin North
Thanks to
Words: Colin North
Video: Mike Guest
Pics: Mike Guest, Sean Ronny, Eddie Gove, Tim Wheeler