Participants: Alice de Gruchi, Jenny Newland, Peter Renkin, Rebecca Gleeson, Janelle Purvis, Tim North, Trish Treagus and Colin North
A paddle designed as a follow on from our previous sojourn around Pheagans and Horsefield Bay. The plan being to paddle from Gurdon Reserve, track down into Waterfall Bay back around Spion Kop and head down to the old Tascott farm on the western end of Woy Woy Bays.

Trip map Woy Woy Bay
Difficulty started the evening prior when rain started falling. Compounded by further rain at 6.00 AM supported by Scot Levi talking about a wet day dawning: A glimmer of hope with the weather radar remaining consistent showing the rain would stop at a little after 7.00 AM.
Drove down the hill through the rain. Paddlers started turning up. Boats prepared. Rain stopped: Perfect paddling conditions.
A final group of 8 paddlers headed off for the adventure. We went to the waterfall which was running and most of the group clambered over the rocks to check out the area above the waterfall and rock engravings.
We then headed to the western side of the bay to check the camping area and managed to explore the Skion Kop creek mouth. Interesting how many waterfalls there are around this body of water.
Next stop was the old Tascott property holding with the remains of the wharf used to support their farming activities.
Heading home provided a dash into the 10knot breeze, enough to stretch the muscles.
Great paddle. I really love the autumn paddling without the issue of heat and sunburn. All ready for or next adventure next week?
Thanks to Jenny Newland for images

Landing at Tascott Farm